Monday, October 6, 2014

This Week's Menu {October 6 - 12}

Our Weekly Meal Plan

Monday - Whatever we can find in the kitchen.  :)

Tuesday - New England Blam Chowder from The Sexy Vegan Cookbook

Wednesday Bowtie Chicken Alfredo (healthy version?) with Steamed Broccoli

Thursday - Farewell Dinner with Family

Friday - Herb and Citrus Roasted Chicken with Mashed Potatoes with Raw Tuscan Kale Salad

Saturday - Quinoa Enchilada Casserole

Sunday - Dinner at Home Group (taking either 7 Spice Roast or Oklahoma Cheesecake)

I also want to try out these Carrot Cake Bites this week!

Even though we have a menu for the week, it's honestly pretty up in the air because my husband's parents are moving to Hawaii (i.e. the Oregon Trail), and they fly out on Friday.  We've been helping them empty their house and clean it and etc., so we may end up in Omaha some of these evenings besides our farewell dinner on Thursday.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mourning for the loss of them being so close and Baby Prez and Miss Coco getting to see their grandparents frequently.

Find previous meal plans here.
**Linking up at I'm an Organizing Junkie for Meal Plan Monday**

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Baby Prez - 15 Months

Dear Baby President,

It is just amazing how fast time flies.  You are now 15 months old, which means that this is the beginning of the second fall that you've been alive. 

Stats: big boy

Health: This past month you had a fever and were sick and miserable for a few days, which was no fun for anyone.  You also had your first big tumble and bonk in the head, though I'm pretty sure it won't be the only one.  Otherwise, you've been healthy!

Social:  You got to see all of your grandparents this month, plus your Aunt Kiley!  You spent the weekend with Mimi and Grandad earlier in the month.  And then Aunt Kiley, Gramma, and Grandpa came to visit for Labor Day weekend.  You got to stay up late playing with their puppies.  Gundy even let you hug him!!  

You're still playing nice with the other kids at daycare, and you even hug your friend, Nora.  Same thing at church.  You are such a good little boy. 



You just love music. You've been dancing for months, but you're adding new moves all the time!  At Mimi's house, you like to play the grand piano, and you e even learned how to turn it on by yourself.  At home, you have your pick from two keyboards, a guitar toy, a xylophone, and several hand drums. You love them all!