Clearly I suck at blogging. One of these days I'll get on a schedule, but not yet. :)
Lately I have been slightly obsessed with muffins. With the muffin pan I received for Christmas (only had a mini one before), my handy dandy Better Homes & Garden cookbook, my Hudson Cream flour straight from Kansas, almond milk, and newly discovered organic, vegan, fair-trade sugar (Thanks Stacy!), I have been experimenting with muffins. It's been perfect because I can make a pan at the beginning of the week and have breakfast for the rest of the week! So far, I've made cinnamon oatmeal, cinnamon oatmeal & craisin, and banana. And I have to report that I burned the banana ones; I will be making a note to not bake them as long as the others. I hope to be posting recipes and pictures soon, but I keep forgetting to take pictures.
On another note, I booked a trip to Vegas last week for my sister's birthday, which is exciting and should be an amazing, fantastic trip that will continue in Washington DC with my parents & sister for a few days. It's going to be an incredible summer and I can't wait for the semester to wind down, the weather to warm up, and my sister to be in residence!
It seems like I'm constantly busy with school, which is good I suppose. Everyday I cross something off the list, and so the list keeps going down. Yay! Only 2 papers and 2 tests left...I think.
I've also gotten to see a lot of old friends lately...a friend from home in Colorado for spring break, a college friend at the racetrack in Iowa, another friend from home this weekend, and lots more at a wedding back in Kansas at the end of the month.
That's all for now. Maybe next time I will post about my birthday shopping extravaganza that I'm planning!