Well, we are back to Paleo eating around here. There was a fun (not so much) foray into veganism and then to vegetarianism and then to whatever-goes-ism. But Paleo works for us. I'm not here to give some amazing testimonial about my health or anything; we just want to feed our children more fruits and veggies and avoid so many processed carbs. Cereal and pasta are the things I miss most, so you'll see them pop up around here every once in awhile. Honestly, my goal is to be 80% Paleo. A little yogurt, no problem. A few black beans, cool.
But seriously, I need a better Paleo pizza crust recipe. I've tried cauliflower crust and sweet potato crust, but they just don't cut it.
Meatless Monday -
Dinner: Fresh Corn and Zucchini Chowder (Yes, this was on the menu last week, but I didn't even get to taste it because we were out. The kids and my MIL had it, and it must have been good because there were no leftovers!)
Taco Tuesday -
Dinner: Couscous Salad with ??? (We usually have cheese quesadillas, but I'm looking for something healthier to add in here. Hmmm....)
Witalian Wednesday -
Dinner: Rosemary Chicken, Bacon, & Avocado Salad
Fish Fursday -
Dinner: Japanese style dinner with flounder, beans, bulgar, and veggies
Pizza Friday -
Dinner: Homemade Pizza!
Saturday Scramble - Breakfast: Banana Almond Chia Pudding with Bacon
Lunch: Sandwiches and Salads
Dinner: Saturday Scramble (i.e. make something with the leftovers)
Sunday Roastday - Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: No Bun Burgers! Yum!
Have a great week!

Find previous meal plans here.
**Linking up at I'm an Organizing Junkie for Meal Plan Monday**
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