Last weekend, my parents and I painted my duplex! It looks like a completely different place! When I looked at the duplex before renting it, the people that lived there then were in the process of packing to move, so there was a lot of stuff all over, so it was difficult to gauge the size of the rooms. The living room was the biggest surprise - it was a lot larger than I remembered. We painted everything except for the laundry room, which stayed purple, and the garage. As usual with a rental, we found that several things were not in great repair. The vents were ridiculously dirty with dog hair...ick! We tried cleaning them with the vacuum and soap and water. Neither worked very well, but we eventually got them reasonable clean and spray painted them a tan that better blends in with the carpet and tile. The contact paper that is on the kitchen and bathroom shelves is gross, so we plan to take that out in a few weeks when we move the rest of my furniture and boxes. I bought new pretty green and white for the kitchen and blue and brown polka dots for the bathroom from Target! Possibly the worst part is the garage floor, which is filthy with oil and dirt that gets tracked into the house; hopefully I will get permission from my landlord to paint it with that sealing paint stuff. The positives though are that there is quite a bit more storage than I remembered, and the carpet is a lot nicer than I remembered! The paint looks awesome and I'm so glad that my landlords okayed it! We cleaned and painted for 5 hours on Friday and 10 hours on Saturday; we were definitely exhausted after that! Now I'm looking for a used trundle bed for my spare room because the bedrooms are a lot smaller than my last place! Here are a few before and after photos!
Living Room (before)
Living Room (after)
Kitchen (after)
Bedroom (after)
Living room with my new furniture!
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