Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekly Goals for Dead Week

This week is what is fondly known as 'dead week' during which students are supposed to have a break from the norm in preparation for finals.  In case anyone was wondering, PhD students don't get a dead week!  But before I get into this week's goals, let's see how last week's goals went.

Update on Goals for 4/16

1.       Complete Dark Side of Interpersonal Communications term paper and presentation (due 4/16)  Will present tomorrow
2.       Conduct 4 research interviews.  3 done
3.       Transcribe completed interviews.  1 done
4.       Compile mobile survey and email to Parent Panel.  Not started
5.       Write rough draft of Public Policy term paper.  In progress

Wonder Wife-in-Training
6.       Complete 1 project around the house.  Not completed
7.       Go through 5 boxes in the basement and add to the 'get rid of' pile.   Not completed
8.       Post 5 items to Craigslist.  4 posted
9.       Continue 30-Day Housecleaning Challenge.

10.    Complete 1 planning for baby project.  Not started

Perhaps I set my goals for last week a bit high, but hey, I'm new at this weekly goals thing.  I don't think my goals for this week are more realistic than last week's, but maybe this week I'll be more productive!  Here's to hoping!  

This Week's Goals 

1.       Conduct 5 research interviews. 
2.       Complete public policy term paper.
3.       Transcribe completed interviews. 
4.       Compile mobile survey and email to Parent Panel. 
5.       Write rough draft of channels term paper. 

(If you are a parent of a child 12 or younger and would be interested in taking a few surveys per year for academic marketing research, please let me know!)

Wonder Wife-in-Training
6.       Complete 1 project around the house - entry nook
7.       Go through 5 boxes in the basement and add to the 'get rid of' pile.
8.       Post 3 items to Craigslist. 
9.       Continue MSM's 30-Day Housecleaning Challenge.

10.    Complete 1 planning for baby project - homemade cloth wipes.  

How did your weekly goals go?  If you are participating in the 30-Day Housecleaning Challenge, were you up to the challenge?  

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